Sunday, May 08, 2005

Traffic on the Cross Bronx
Trunks filled with frozen meat and children
Will Cousin Randy and Cousin Tommy will be there?
Are the kids theirs?
I can never remember their names

Grandpa believes that the Yankees' poor record this season is because they have in the starting lineup a Japanese a Korean and some Hispanics. They cannot communicate with eachother, so how do they expect to win ball games. Before he retired, grandpa owned a small muzzle loading gun factory called Hopkins & Allen Arms Company. The company was fouded in 1868, grandpa bought the name 102 years later. A muzzle loader is a firearm that is loaded from the front. First you pour in the gun powder, then you stuff the barrel with a small cloth and then the bullet. The small cloth is used so that the when you fire the gun, there is more pressure against the bullet and a tool called a ramrod is used to pack the stuff in. Many hunters believe that because you can shoot just one bullet before reloading a muzzle loader, its the best way to hunt game.


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